Erm... Hi, I guess.

Well, this is embarrassing, I must admit. I'm so used to writing for myself that it feels strange to be talking to a computer (because let's face the facts, nobody is going to stumble across this lifeless monstrosity, and if you do so happen to come across this page, I'm sorry for wasting what little time you have on this small blue dot we call 'home'.) 

   I suppose the main reason I decided to start this blog, as so many others do, is to get out those confusing and unwanted feelings in which folk tend to keep deep down inside themselves, waiting for somebody, anybody, to come along and listen to them pour their heart out, all over that dining room table they didn't have the energy to clean up after last nights dinner. Obviously, I'm not going to share every little feeling I have with you (you're not my therapist), but, I will share with you my joy for reading and writing (maybe share a little of my work with you along the way), some of the crazy things which go on in my life (there is a LOT to be told), give my opinions on novels and stories that I have read (no matter the format or genre), and many other things. 

   I'm an open book, and as a creative (art, fiction writer, and rug maker) who is, in October, venturing into their third year of university (BA English literature and Creative writing) as well as working a full-time job (got to pay the bills somehow... we don't all have a body built for OF 😉), my life is full of interesting discussions and situations that I feel I need to share with others. This, my lovely readers, is where you come in. 

   So, grab a coffee, sit on back in your favourite seat, and let me tell you the story of my life as it happens. 


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