Broken Butterflies

 Don't you just hate it when you get an idea for a piece of art, and then after you've taken the time to get everything out and set up, you hold the brush to the canvas, and that idea you had, fades into the shadows, leaving you alone and uncomforted by the fact that once again, this won't be the day you create your masterpiece. 

   That's what happened to me this afternoon. I had an AMAZING idea for a watercolour painting, but alas, it was not meant to be. For hours, I had been thinking about this piece. I knew which colours I wanted to use; the browns, blues, reds and blacks, swirling around my head like a tornado of shades. I knew what I wanted the concept to be; something dark -- a woman with her head tilted down slightly, the mess of black hair on her head, dripping down the page with the help of our friend gravity. Splashes of reds and blues dotted about the page like broken butterflies, their wings shattered and torn... 

   But, just like everything in life, we don't always get what we want. Do we? 



  1. The way you're describing feeling, after not being able to start/complete the piece, kinda Sounds like the piece it's self 🤔


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