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CONSPIRACY - Aliens or Angels?

 If you know me, you know I love a good conspiracy theory. I LIVE for Shane Dawson's Conspiracy Corner , and avidly return to his older conspiracy content. It has even gotten to the point where my Tiktok algorithm has changed, with new theories popping up at least once or twice a day, if not more. Now, I'm not going to go into great detail about different theories, and which ones I may or may not believe, but there is one specific theory which greatly intrigued me -- the Dyson Sphere theory .     If you don't know what this is, I will give you a quick run down. Essentially, it is a project in where platforms are built to orbit around a star, creating and providing energy for its creators by capturing the solar radiation emanating from said star.     Basically, in laymen's terms, it would be a gigantic f*cking solar panel encircling a star. Pretty cool, yet hard to believe right?    Well, according to recent research, scientists have reportedly discovered at least 7 (YES

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